different designs an colors of workspace

The Psychology of Colors and How They Affect the Mood of Your Workspace

The foundation of color psychology is the study of how the human brain responds to various shades of each color in the spectrum. Although the impacts of colors may appear to be comparable, research reveals that every person reacts differently to conventional color schemes. 

Light is energy, and color is the only form of energy that we see. This gives us the opportunity to influence human emotions, interactions, and moods in a visual method – with colors. Colors have the power to transcend culture, personal experiences, and memories. Imagine what the use of color can do to personal and client spaces and the energy therein!  

Wall color, and the color of furnishings, plants, decorative items, lights, and fixtures all have a significant impact on our mentality. Comfort and relaxation at home, and increased productivity at work, are all positive impacts of the intentional use of color. 

Flashy colors provide energy and liven up an area. Color density can also add flair and gravity to a space. On the other hand, our senses are calmed by more muted and subtle colors, as they yield a tranquil setting that gives occupants a sense of security and comfort.

Colors in the workplace influence employee performance and disposition, and it’s our privilege to design positive outcomes in both!