two employees comfortably working

Creating A Place Where Employees Feel Like They Belong

A workplace is not just a physical location where people come to work; it is a space where employees spend the majority of their day, where they form relationships with coworkers and create memories. As such, Forbes states that creating a workspace where employees feel like they belong is essential in building a strong, productive team.  Interior design plays a …

clients using black phone booth

Top 5 Office Phone Booths

In today’s open-concept offices, privacy can be hard to come by. That’s where phone booths come in. These small, enclosed spaces are designed to provide a quiet and private space for phone calls and other important conversations. But with so many brands on the market, how do you know which office phone booth is the best fit for your needs? …

Designing Offices to Attract and Retain Employees

In today’s competitive job market, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to attract and retain top talent. While salary and benefits packages are often cited as the most important factors in job satisfaction, the design and layout of an office can also play a significant role in employee happiness and productivity. In this article, we’ll explore how office furniture, office …

different designs an colors of workspace

The Psychology of Colors and How They Affect the Mood of Your Workspace

The foundation of color psychology is the study of how the human brain responds to various shades of each color in the spectrum. Although the impacts of colors may appear to be comparable, research reveals that every person reacts differently to conventional color schemes.  Light is energy, and color is the only form of energy that we see. This gives …