how to bring plants into your interior design

How to Bring Plants into Your Interior Design

In recent years, the incorporation of plants into interior design has become increasingly popular. Not only do plants bring life and vibrancy to a space, but they also offer a range of health benefits and can elevate the overall aesthetic of your home. Whether you have a green thumb or are new to the world of indoor gardening, there are countless ways to incorporate plants into your interior design. In this blog post, we’ll explore some creative ideas to help you seamlessly integrate plants into your living spaces.

1. Choose the Right Plants

Before diving into the design aspect, it’s essential to select the right plants for your home. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, space availability, and your level of gardening expertise. Some popular indoor plants that are relatively easy to care for include:

snake plant for interior design
Snake Plant: Known for its resilience and ability to thrive in low light conditions, making it perfect for beginners.

ZZ Plant: Another low-maintenance option that can tolerate a variety of light conditions and requires minimal watering.

Pothos: This trailing plant adds a touch of elegance to any space and can thrive in low to medium light.

Fiddle Leaf Fig: With its large, glossy leaves, this plant makes a bold statement and prefers bright, indirect light.

2. Incorporate Plants into Different Areas

Once you’ve chosen your plants, think about where you’d like to place them within your home or office. Here are some of our projects to refer to for incorporating plants into various areas:

workplace with plants interior
Workplace: Incorporating plants in the workplace can boost productivity and morale. Consider placing low-maintenance plants like pothos or succulents on desks or communal areas to add a touch of greenery and improve the overall ambiance.

living room with plants interior
Living Room: Place a tall plant like a fiddle leaf fig or a rubber plant in a corner to add height and drama. You can also create a beautiful display by grouping smaller plants on a coffee table or shelf.

bedroom with plants interior
Bedroom: Opt for plants known for their air-purifying qualities, such as a snake plant or peace lily, to promote a more restful environment. Consider placing them on bedside tables or dressers.

kitchen with plants interior
Kitchen: Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary not only add a fresh scent but also serve a practical purpose. Grow them in pots on your kitchen windowsill or countertop for easy access while cooking.

bathroom with plants interior
Bathroom: Choose plants that thrive in humid conditions, such as ferns or orchids, to add a spa-like feel to your bathroom. Place them on shelves or hang them from the ceiling to maximize space.

3. Experiment with Planters and Containers

The right planter can elevate the look of your plants and complement your interior design style. Consider the following options:

Ceramic Pots: Available in a variety of colors and patterns, ceramic pots can add a pop of color and texture to your space.

Hanging Planters: Perfect for trailing plants like pothos or spider plants, hanging planters can create visual interest and save floor space.

Terrariums: These enclosed glass containers are ideal for small succulents and cacti, creating a mini ecosystem that can be a focal point on a table or shelf.

4. Create Plant Groupings

Instead of scattering plants randomly throughout your home, consider creating groupings to make a more significant impact. Cluster plants of varying heights, textures, and shapes together to create a visually appealing display. You can also mix and match different types of plants to add depth and dimension to your space.

5. Consider Plant Care

Lastly, proper plant care is crucial to ensure your plants thrive and look their best. Make sure to water your plants according to their specific needs, provide them with adequate sunlight, and periodically clean their leaves to remove dust and debris. Regularly check for signs of pests or diseases and address any issues promptly to keep your plants healthy.


Incorporating plants into your interior design is a rewarding experience that can transform your living spaces and improve your overall well-being. We, at Interior Solutions, can also help you design your space with your favorite plants. With a little creativity and attention to detail, we can create a lush and inviting environment that reflects your personality and style. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, there’s a perfect plant waiting to enhance your home’s beauty. So, why wait? Bring the beauty of nature indoors and enjoy the countless benefits of living with plants! Contact us 📞 801.531.7538